25SPR - Embroidery Journaling: Stitch the Year with CWPD

Ages 14 and up
Thursdays, April 3 & May 1
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Activity Center Park, Community Room
221 N. Main St.
Fee: $10 residents; $13 nonresidents
Registration deadline: Thursday, March 27

Enhance your stitching skills as we continue our journey through 2025. This class will take us through the spring months as we create an embroidered journal representing important or special memories with simple stitches and colorful designs. While this program builds off of the winter sessions, you do not need to have attended these to participate, or to attend every session. Some experience with stitching is recommended. Each session will include light refreshments and a nature talk on a seasonal topic.

Note: This registration only includes the spring sessions. If you did not participate in the winter session and want the starter kit, please select the add-on kit at checkout.

FIRST-TIME REGISTRANTS: If you are a Centerville/Washington Township resident, please enter Dayton as your city when creating an account. The system WILL NOT recognize you as a resident if you enter Centerville or Washington Township as your city.


Activity Center Park, Community Room
221 N Main St

Program Type Adult Programs
Program Subcategory -
Program Code 25SPR
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 2/10/2025 10:00 AM
Enrollment End Date 3/27/2025
Laura Perry
Gender Any Gender
Enrollment Minimum 5
Maximum 16
Grade Minimum
Age Minimum 14 years Enforced - As of date 5/2/2025
Maximum -
Residency Restriction Resident Only
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $10.00
Non Resident
Available from 2/17/2025 10:00 AM
Residency Restriction NonResident Only
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $13.00
Material Kit
Residency Restriction -None-
Amount $5.00
Thursday - 04/03/2025
Start Time 6:00 PM
End Time 7:00 PM
Location Activity Center Park - Community Room
Thursday - 05/01/2025
Start Time 6:00 PM
End Time 7:00 PM
Location Activity Center Park - Community Room